Scientific Publication: Characterization of the aminomethylchroman derivative BAY x 3702 as a highly potent 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor agonist.

We are proud to announce our most recent scientific publication:

DE VRY, J., SCHOHE-LOOP, R., HEINE, H., GREUEL, J., MAULER, F., SCHMIDT, B. and GLASER, T. (1998). Characterization of the aminomethylchroman derivative BAY x 3702 as a highly potent 5-hydroxytryptamine1A receptor agonist. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 284 (3). p.1082-94.


Scientific Publication: Additive neuroprotective effect of Ketanserin and Ipsapirone on the hippocampal damage after transient forebrain ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil.


Scientific Publication: Anxiolytic effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist ipsapirone in the rat: neurobiological correlates.