
Convincing Testimonials

We are proud of the feedback we receive from our clients.

“Bioscience Valuation’s Corporate Partnership Program provides 360° scientific, commercial, and financial insights at highest quality. We value the program on a daily basis and clearly benefit from BSV’s support.”

Bernd Mühlenweg
SVP, Innovate Strategic Initiatives

“Bioscience Valuation’s unique approach to portfolio management clearly enhanced the value of our R&D pipeline.”

Prof. Dr. Klaus Nickisch
Head of Project Management

“We are very excited to partner with BioScience Valuation. In our pursuit of groundbreaking innovations, this collaboration ensures that our bio-pharmaceutical ventures are of the highest scientific standards with excellent commercial viability."

Gábor Heltovics

“Bioscience Valuation’s professional support allows us to close licensing deals successfully and with highly attractive financial terms.”

Jamie Jaeheung Lee, R.Ph.

“Bioscience Valuation’s comprehensive assessments of in-licensing candidates provide us with a thorough understanding of the opportunity, both from a scientific and business perspective.”

Dr. Philipp R. Hoffmann
Senior Director, Business Development & Licensing Europe

“I like the insights gained from Bioscience Valuation’s thorough assessments that allow me to support my decisions with well-founded, rational arguments.”

Dr. Axel Wiest

“I am impressed with Bioscience Valuation’s professional approach that enables us to plan future revenues and capacity utilization much better now.”

Dr. Folker Ruchatz
SVP, Contract Manufacturing Business

“Bioscience Valuation’s market assessment and valuation services greatly facilitated our fundraising and significantly helped to achieve an oversubscription of our financing round.”

Dr. Peter Reinemer, PhD, MBA

“When it comes to demonstrating exit value, Bioscience Valuation’s contribution is almost mandatory; I highly recommend BSV’s analyses to close value-maximizing deals successfully.”

Dr. Christian Thirion
CEO & Founder

“Bioscience Valuation’s ‘Corporate Partnership Program’ provides unprecedented support for our partnering efforts; both, our strategic partners and stakeholders hold BSV’s assessments in high esteem.”

Jamie Jaeheung Lee, R.Ph.

“I am impressed by Bioscience Valuation’s very profound, analytical approach to evaluate early discovery projects. Bioscience Valuation substantially supported us in successful partnering negotiations, and it is a continuous pleasure to work with Joachim and his team.”

Dr. Torsten Neuefeind

“Through its ‘Corporate Partnership Program’, Bioscience Valuation has provided exceptional support in the transformation of our business model. BSV’s evidence-based assessments proved invaluable for our strategic decision-making as well as for preparing our corporate transactions.”

Peter Llewellyn-Davies

“We greatly enjoy working with Bioscience Valuation; the company’s ‘Corporate Partnership Program’ is a great offering that provides in-depth analyses of significant economic value at fair cost.”

Dr. Ulrich Jahnel
SVP, Head of External Innovation

“Bioscience Valuation’s services help me to communicate the value of our business to various stakeholders, including investors.”

Dr. Adi Hoess

“With the dedicated support, and particularly the experienced, constructive work of Bioscience Valuation, we accomplished highly valuable results that provide important new knowledge enabling our next steps in diabetes research. We sincerely thank the entire Bioscience Valuation team for their valuable and straightforward collaboration in the past year, and look forward to the next opportunity of working with them again.”

Dr. Bärbel Aschemeier
Clinical Research

Prof. Dr. Thomas Danne

“Both, breadth and depth of Bioscience Valuation’s economic assessments as well as the company’s excellent knowledge of healthcare markets are invaluable assets for me in order to reach my goals.”

Rick Jackson
Chairman & CEO

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