Scientific Assessment
Target Identification
Our team of scientists and medical doctors can help you identify the right target for your asset, based on, for example, protein expression data and the analysis of clinical studies. This allows you to increment the probability of working on an asset that combines high efficacy with minimal adverse events. Once the target is known, we may help you choose the best indication – for instance, in terms of a drug’s mechanism of action (to boost efficacy and minimize adverse events), development risk (to decrease the risk of failure), and patient population (to reach the highest possible number of patients).

Indication Scoping
The goal of our Indication Scoping is to choose the most valuable indication(s) for an asset. First, possible indications are judged for their suitability based on mechanism of action, development risk, and epidemiology. In the second step, we assess the asset value for each indication, resulting in a ranking from most to least favorable. In the final phase, we generally select the three most valuable indications to be included in the Value Story. As a result, the client is in the best position to enter into negotiations with potential partners (which we support as well).