Scientific Publication: Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A-receptor agonists on hippocampal damage after transient forebrain ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil

We are proud to announce our most recent scientific publication:

BODE-GREUEL, K., KLISCH, J., HORVÁTH, E., GLASER, T. and TRABER, J. (1990). Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine1A-receptor agonists on hippocampal damage after transient forebrain ischemia in the Mongolian gerbil. Stroke. 21st December (12 Suppl). IV. p.164-6.


Scientific Publication: Development changes of calcium currents in the visual cortex of the cat.


Scientific Publication: Horizontal Interactions in Cat Striate Cortex: II. A Current Source-Density Analysis.